Sesame Street

a minute read
Sesame Street Miscellaneous Sing After Me Sing what I sing, sing after me Be my echo if you can be Sing tra la la (tra la la) Mi mi mi (mi mi mi) Ha ha ha (ha ha ha) Hee hee hee (hee hee hee) Pick a peck of peppers (pick a peck of peppers) Fiddle did...
a minute read
Sesame Street Miscellaneous ABC-DEF-GHI ABC-DEF-GHI-JKL-MNOP-QRSTUV-WXYZ It's the most remarkable word I've ever seen ABC-DEF-GHI-JKL-MNOP-QRSTUV-WXYZ I wish I knew exactly what I mean It starts out like an "A" word as anyone can see...
2 minutes read
Sesame Street Miscellaneous I Feel So Happy Rosita: Every morning when I wake up There's just one feeling I feel I hear the birds and I see the sun I can't believe it's for real I feel so happy So very, very happy I'm the happiest mo...
a minute read
Sesame Street Miscellaneous Very, Very Special Letter Spoken: Hi there! I, Big Bird, am going to sing you a song about the letter "V". The letter "V" is the first sound you hear in the word "very," but there aren't too man...
a minute read
Sesame Street Miscellaneous Nearly Missed (Sesame Street Version) While looking at my feet, at a crack in the sidewalk An old tin can by the side of the road I nearly missed a rainbow I nearly missed a sunset I nearly missed a shooting star going by ...
2 minutes read
Sesame Street Miscellaneous Slimiloquy Stewardess Worm: On your right, WormAir passengers, you can see Cleveland, home of the Johnson Worm Farm... (Spotlight falls on Dusty) Flying home, to see our new baby. A new son or daughter for me, For Slimey...
a few seconds read
Sesame Street Miscellaneous The Monster That Ate The Television Voice to Round Red Monster: "Are you the monster that ate the television?" Round Red Monster: "Do I look like I ate a television?" Voice to Tall Skinny Orange Monster...
a minute read
Sesame Street Miscellaneous If You've Lost Your L Little girl: My L is lost, my letter L is lost! Fairy: If you've lost your L look around you'll find him, Just look patiently There's a letter L in lots of places Look around you&...
2 minutes read
Sesame Street Miscellaneous Ernie And Bert Share A Cookie Bert is examining a cookie in his hand Bert: "Mmmmmmm, mmmm." Ernie: (barging in) "A cookie?! Oh boy a cookie! I love cookies and oh boy am I hungry!" (He grabs Bert's h...
a few seconds read
Sesame Street Miscellaneous Inchworm Two and two are four Four and four are eight That’s all you have on your business-like mind Two and two are four Four and four are eight How can you be so blind sung in counterpoint: Two and two are fou...