
a minute read
Sesame Street Miscellaneous C Is For Cookie (Opera Style) Oh, the sky has turned grey, And the world seems sad and blue. All the laughter's gone away. Guess there's just one thing to do... (reaches down and, grinning, pulls out a great big c...
a minute read
Sesame Street Miscellaneous C Is For Cookie [Now what starts with the letter C? Cookie starts with C Let's think of other things That starts with C Oh, who cares about the other things?] C is for cookie, that's good enough for me C is ...
a few seconds read
Sesame Street Miscellaneous Goodbye Little Cookie Goodbye, goodbye little cookie Me always remember just you Goodbye, goodbye little cookie It now time to bid you adieu Once you were baked in an oven Just like a cake or a pie Now you're so brown...